One operating environment, for all your devices.

Install Lomiri

Not yet completely functional on desktops and laptops. Preview images are available to provide feedback in time for the full release.

Ubuntu Lomiri

Preview ISO

Ubuntu Touch

The mobile shell

Postmarket OS
  1. Download the ISO
  2. Download the latest ISO for Ubuntu Lomiri on the Ubuntu Unity website.

  3. Boot it from a USB drive or a DVD-DL
  4. Use Rufus, Gnome Disks or any other flashing utility to write the image to a pendrive or a double layer DVD. Insert the DVD in the device you want to install Ubuntu Lomiri on.

  5. Install Lomiri
  6. Launch the installer and follow on-screen instructions. Testing images can be installed in a virtual machine or on a separate partition, we discourage installing Ubuntu Lomiri as your main and only operating system currently.

  1. Get a supported device
  2. Choose the device that suits you the best from the list on the Ubuntu Touch devices website.

  3. Check requirements on the page
  4. Before installing check requirements about specific Android version or firmware your device must have before proceeding and flash the appropriate version if that is not the case.

  5. Install using the UBports installer
  6. The UBports installer is the simplest way to install Ubuntu Touch on a device. Download it from your device page and let it do the work for you.

  1. Get a supported device
  2. Check the Postmarket OS device list for compatible devices.

  3. Use pmbootstrap to install Lomiri
  4. Run pmbootstrap init and choose Lomiri in the UI selection step.

    More resources and installation guide are available on the Postmarket OS wiki.

    No installation instructions yet, packages available at:

    No installation instructions yet, packages available at:

  1. Edit system configuration file
  2. Add the following lines to the system configuration file /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:

    services.desktopManager.lomiri.enable = true; services.displayManager.defaultSession = "lomiri";
  3. Apply changes
  4. Build the new configuration and make it the default with sudo nixos-rebuild switch.

    More resources and installation guide are available on the NixOS wiki.

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